An abstract class for alert condition configs |
Accuracy Below Threshold Condition Config for Monitor Alerts |
Feature Drift Condition Config for Monitor Alerts |
Target Drift Condition Config for Monitor Alerts |
History Length Drift Condition Config for Monitor Alerts |
Data Integrity Violation Condition Config for Monitor Alerts |
Bias Violation Condition Config for Monitor Alerts |
Deployment Prediction Condition Config for Deployment Alerts. By default we monitor if predictions made over a time window has reduced significantly. |
Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using |
An abstract class for alert action configs |
Email Action Config for Monitor Alerts |
Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using |
Monitor Threshold Config for Monitor Alerts |
Module Contents
- class abacusai.api_class.monitor_alert.AlertConditionConfig
An abstract class for alert condition configs
- alert_type: abacusai.api_class.enums.MonitorAlertType = None
- classmethod _get_builder()
- class abacusai.api_class.monitor_alert.AccuracyBelowThresholdConditionConfig
Accuracy Below Threshold Condition Config for Monitor Alerts
- Parameters:
threshold (float) – Threshold for when to consider a column to be in violation. The alert will only fire when the drift value is strictly greater than the threshold.
- __post_init__()
- class abacusai.api_class.monitor_alert.FeatureDriftConditionConfig
Feature Drift Condition Config for Monitor Alerts
- Parameters:
feature_drift_type (FeatureDriftType) – Feature drift type to apply the threshold on to determine whether a column has drifted significantly enough to be a violation.
threshold (float) – Threshold for when to consider a column to be in violation. The alert will only fire when the drift value is strictly greater than the threshold.
minimum_violations (int) – Number of columns that must exceed the specified threshold to trigger an alert.
feature_names (List[str]) – List of feature names to monitor for this alert.
- feature_drift_type: abacusai.api_class.enums.FeatureDriftType = None
- __post_init__()
- class abacusai.api_class.monitor_alert.TargetDriftConditionConfig
Target Drift Condition Config for Monitor Alerts
- Parameters:
feature_drift_type (FeatureDriftType) – Target drift type to apply the threshold on to determine whether a column has drifted significantly enough to be a violation.
threshold (float) – Threshold for when to consider the target column to be in violation. The alert will only fire when the drift value is strictly greater than the threshold.
- feature_drift_type: abacusai.api_class.enums.FeatureDriftType = None
- __post_init__()
- class abacusai.api_class.monitor_alert.HistoryLengthDriftConditionConfig
History Length Drift Condition Config for Monitor Alerts
- Parameters:
feature_drift_type (FeatureDriftType) – History length drift type to apply the threshold on to determine whether the history length has drifted significantly enough to be a violation.
threshold (float) – Threshold for when to consider the history length to be in violation. The alert will only fire when the drift value is strictly greater than the threshold.
- feature_drift_type: abacusai.api_class.enums.FeatureDriftType = None
- __post_init__()
- class abacusai.api_class.monitor_alert.DataIntegrityViolationConditionConfig
Data Integrity Violation Condition Config for Monitor Alerts
- Parameters:
data_integrity_type (DataIntegrityViolationType) – This option selects the data integrity violations to monitor for this alert.
minimum_violations (int) – Number of columns that must exceed the specified threshold to trigger an alert.
- data_integrity_type: abacusai.api_class.enums.DataIntegrityViolationType = None
- __post_init__()
- class abacusai.api_class.monitor_alert.BiasViolationConditionConfig
Bias Violation Condition Config for Monitor Alerts
- Parameters:
bias_type (BiasType) – This option selects the bias metric to monitor for this alert.
threshold (float) – Threshold for when to consider a column to be in violation. The alert will only fire when the drift value is strictly greater than the threshold.
minimum_violations (int) – Number of columns that must exceed the specified threshold to trigger an alert.
- bias_type: abacusai.api_class.enums.BiasType = None
- __post_init__()
- class abacusai.api_class.monitor_alert.PredictionCountConditionConfig
Deployment Prediction Condition Config for Deployment Alerts. By default we monitor if predictions made over a time window has reduced significantly. :param threshold: Threshold for when to consider to be a violation. Negative means alert on reduction, positive means alert on increase. :type threshold: float :param aggregation_window: Time window to aggregate the predictions over, e.g. 1h, 10m. Only h(hour), m(minute) and s(second) are supported. :type aggregation_window: str :param aggregation_type: Aggregation type to use for the aggregation window, e.g. sum, avg. :type aggregation_type: str
- __post_init__()
- class abacusai.api_class.monitor_alert._AlertConditionConfigFactory
Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using inheritance.
- config_abstract_class
- config_class_key = 'alert_type'
- config_class_key_value_camel_case = True
- config_class_map
- class abacusai.api_class.monitor_alert.AlertActionConfig
An abstract class for alert action configs
- action_type: abacusai.api_class.enums.AlertActionType = None
- classmethod _get_builder()
- class abacusai.api_class.monitor_alert.EmailActionConfig
Email Action Config for Monitor Alerts
- Parameters:
- __post_init__()
- class abacusai.api_class.monitor_alert._AlertActionConfigFactory
Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using inheritance.
- config_abstract_class
- config_class_key = 'action_type'
- config_class_map
- class abacusai.api_class.monitor_alert.MonitorThresholdConfig
Monitor Threshold Config for Monitor Alerts
- Parameters:
drift_type (FeatureDriftType) – Feature drift type to apply the threshold on to determine whether a column has drifted significantly enough to be a violation.
threshold_config (ThresholdConfigs) – Thresholds for when to consider a column to be in violation. The alert will only fire when the drift value is strictly greater than the threshold.
- drift_type: abacusai.api_class.enums.FeatureDriftType = None
- to_dict()
Standardizes converting an ApiClass to dictionary. Keys of response dictionary are converted to camel case. This also validates the fields ( type, value, etc ) received in the dictionary.