


Time Window Configuration


Forecasting Monitor Configuration


Std Dev Threshold types


Item Attributes Std Dev Threshold for Monitor Alerts


Restrict Feature Mappings for Monitor Filtering


Monitor Filtering Configuration

Module Contents

class abacusai.api_class.monitor.TimeWindowConfig

Bases: abacusai.api_class.abstract.ApiClass

Time Window Configuration

  • window_duration (int) – The duration of the window.

  • window_from_start (bool) – Whether the window should be from the start of the time series.

window_duration: int = None
window_from_start: bool = None

Standardizes converting an ApiClass to dictionary. Keys of response dictionary are converted to camel case. This also validates the fields ( type, value, etc ) received in the dictionary.

class abacusai.api_class.monitor.ForecastingMonitorConfig

Bases: abacusai.api_class.abstract.ApiClass

Forecasting Monitor Configuration

  • id_column (str) – The name of the column that contains the unique identifier for the time series.

  • timestamp_column (str) – The name of the column that contains the timestamp for the time series.

  • target_column (str) – The name of the column that contains the target value for the time series.

  • start_time (str) – The start time of the time series data.

  • end_time (str) – The end time of the time series data.

  • window_config (TimeWindowConfig) – The windowing configuration for the time series data.

id_column: str = None
timestamp_column: str = None
target_column: str = None
start_time: str = None
end_time: str = None
window_config: TimeWindowConfig = None

Standardizes converting an ApiClass to dictionary. Keys of response dictionary are converted to camel case. This also validates the fields ( type, value, etc ) received in the dictionary.

class abacusai.api_class.monitor.StdDevThreshold

Bases: abacusai.api_class.abstract.ApiClass

Std Dev Threshold types

  • threshold_type (StdDevThresholdType) – Type of threshold to apply to the item attributes.

  • value (float) – Value to use for the threshold.

threshold_type: abacusai.api_class.enums.StdDevThresholdType = None
value: float = None

Standardizes converting an ApiClass to dictionary. Keys of response dictionary are converted to camel case. This also validates the fields ( type, value, etc ) received in the dictionary.

class abacusai.api_class.monitor.ItemAttributesStdDevThreshold

Bases: abacusai.api_class.abstract.ApiClass

Item Attributes Std Dev Threshold for Monitor Alerts

lower_bound: StdDevThreshold = None
upper_bound: StdDevThreshold = None

Standardizes converting an ApiClass to dictionary. Keys of response dictionary are converted to camel case. This also validates the fields ( type, value, etc ) received in the dictionary.

class abacusai.api_class.monitor.RestrictFeatureMappings

Bases: abacusai.api_class.abstract.ApiClass

Restrict Feature Mappings for Monitor Filtering

  • feature_name (str) – The name of the feature to restrict the monitor to.

  • restricted_feature_values (list) – The values of the feature to restrict the monitor to if feature is a categorical.

  • start_time (str) – The start time of the timestamp feature to filter from

  • end_time (str) – The end time of the timestamp feature to filter until

  • min_value (float) – Value to filter the numerical feature above

  • max_value (float) – Filtering the numerical feature to below this value

feature_name: str = None
restricted_feature_values: list = []
start_time: str = None
end_time: str = None
min_value: float = None
max_value: float = None

Standardizes converting an ApiClass to dictionary. Keys of response dictionary are converted to camel case. This also validates the fields ( type, value, etc ) received in the dictionary.

class abacusai.api_class.monitor.MonitorFilteringConfig

Bases: abacusai.api_class.abstract.ApiClass

Monitor Filtering Configuration

  • start_time (str) – The start time of the prediction time col

  • end_time (str) – The end time of the prediction time col

  • restrict_feature_mappings (RestrictFeatureMappings) – The feature mapping to restrict the monitor to.

  • target_class (str) – The target class to restrict the monitor to.

  • train_target_feature (str) – Set the target feature for the training data.

  • prediction_target_feature (str) – Set the target feature for the prediction data.

start_time: str = None
end_time: str = None
restrict_feature_mappings: List[RestrictFeatureMappings] = None
target_class: str = None
train_target_feature: str = None
prediction_target_feature: str = None

Standardizes converting an ApiClass to dictionary. Keys of response dictionary are converted to camel case. This also validates the fields ( type, value, etc ) received in the dictionary.