A feature group along with project specific mappings |
Module Contents
- class abacusai.project_feature_group.ProjectFeatureGroup(client, featureGroupId=None, modificationLock=None, name=None, featureGroupSourceType=None, tableName=None, sql=None, datasetId=None, functionSourceCode=None, functionName=None, sourceTables=None, createdAt=None, description=None, sqlError=None, latestVersionOutdated=None, referencedFeatureGroups=None, tags=None, primaryKey=None, updateTimestampKey=None, lookupKeys=None, streamingEnabled=None, incremental=None, mergeConfig=None, samplingConfig=None, cpuSize=None, memory=None, streamingReady=None, featureTags=None, moduleName=None, templateBindings=None, featureExpression=None, useOriginalCsvNames=None, pythonFunctionBindings=None, pythonFunctionName=None, useGpu=None, versionLimit=None, exportOnMaterialization=None, featureGroupType=None, features={}, duplicateFeatures={}, pointInTimeGroups={}, annotationConfig={}, concatenationConfig={}, indexingConfig={}, codeSource={}, featureGroupTemplate={}, explanation={}, refreshSchedules={}, exportConnectorConfig={}, projectFeatureGroupSchema={}, projectConfig={}, latestFeatureGroupVersion={}, operatorConfig={})
A feature group along with project specific mappings
- Parameters:
client (ApiClient) – An authenticated API Client instance
featureGroupId (str) – Unique identifier for this feature group.
modificationLock (bool) – If feature group is locked against a change or not.
name (str)
featureGroupSourceType (str) – The source type of the feature group
tableName (str) – Unique table name of this feature group.
sql (str) – SQL definition creating this feature group.
datasetId (str) – Dataset ID the feature group is sourced from.
functionSourceCode (str) – Source definition creating this feature group.
functionName (str) – Function name to execute from the source code.
sourceTables (list[str]) – Source tables for this feature group.
createdAt (str) – Timestamp at which the feature group was created.
description (str) – Description of the feature group.
sqlError (str) – Error message with this feature group.
latestVersionOutdated (bool) – Is latest materialized feature group version outdated.
referencedFeatureGroups (list[str]) – Feature groups this feature group is used in.
primaryKey (str) – Primary index feature.
updateTimestampKey (str) – Primary timestamp feature.
lookupKeys (list[str]) – Additional indexed features for this feature group.
streamingEnabled (bool) – If true, the feature group can have data streamed to it.
incremental (bool) – If feature group corresponds to an incremental dataset.
mergeConfig (dict) – Merge configuration settings for the feature group.
samplingConfig (dict) – Sampling configuration for the feature group.
cpuSize (str) – CPU size specified for the Python feature group.
memory (int) – Memory in GB specified for the Python feature group.
streamingReady (bool) – If true, the feature group is ready to receive streaming data.
featureTags (dict) – Tags for features in this feature group
moduleName (str) – Path to the file with the feature group function.
templateBindings (dict) – Config specifying variable names and values to use when resolving a feature group template.
featureExpression (str) – If the dataset feature group has custom features, the SQL select expression creating those features.
useOriginalCsvNames (bool) – If true, the feature group will use the original column names in the source dataset.
pythonFunctionBindings (dict) – Config specifying variable names, types, and values to use when resolving a Python feature group.
pythonFunctionName (str) – Name of the Python function the feature group was built from.
useGpu (bool) – Whether this feature group is using gpu
versionLimit (int) – Version limit for the feature group.
exportOnMaterialization (bool) – Whether to export the feature group on materialization.
featureGroupType (str) – Project type when the feature group is used in the context of a project.
features (Feature) – List of resolved features.
duplicateFeatures (Feature) – List of duplicate features.
pointInTimeGroups (PointInTimeGroup) – List of Point In Time Groups.
annotationConfig (AnnotationConfig) – Annotation config for this feature
latestFeatureGroupVersion (FeatureGroupVersion) – Latest feature group version.
concatenationConfig (ConcatenationConfig) – Feature group ID whose data will be concatenated into this feature group.
indexingConfig (IndexingConfig) – Indexing config for the feature group for feature store
codeSource (CodeSource) – If a Python feature group, information on the source code.
featureGroupTemplate (FeatureGroupTemplate) – FeatureGroupTemplate to use when this feature group is attached to a template.
explanation (NaturalLanguageExplanation) – Natural language explanation of the feature group
refreshSchedules (RefreshSchedule) – List of schedules that determines when the next version of the feature group will be created.
exportConnectorConfig (FeatureGroupRefreshExportConfig) – The export config (file connector or database connector information) for feature group exports.
projectFeatureGroupSchema (ProjectFeatureGroupSchema) – Project-specific schema for this feature group.
projectConfig (ProjectConfig) – Project-specific config for this feature group.
operatorConfig (OperatorConfig) – Operator configuration settings for the feature group.
- feature_group_id = None
- modification_lock = None
- name = None
- feature_group_source_type = None
- table_name = None
- sql = None
- dataset_id = None
- function_source_code = None
- function_name = None
- source_tables = None
- created_at = None
- description = None
- sql_error = None
- latest_version_outdated = None
- referenced_feature_groups = None
- tags = None
- primary_key = None
- update_timestamp_key = None
- lookup_keys = None
- streaming_enabled = None
- incremental = None
- merge_config = None
- sampling_config = None
- cpu_size = None
- memory = None
- streaming_ready = None
- feature_tags = None
- module_name = None
- template_bindings = None
- feature_expression = None
- use_original_csv_names = None
- python_function_bindings = None
- python_function_name = None
- use_gpu = None
- version_limit = None
- export_on_materialization = None
- feature_group_type = None
- features
- duplicate_features
- point_in_time_groups
- annotation_config
- concatenation_config
- indexing_config
- code_source
- feature_group_template
- explanation
- refresh_schedules
- export_connector_config
- project_feature_group_schema
- project_config
- latest_feature_group_version
- operator_config
- deprecated_keys
- __repr__()