An external application. |
Module Contents
- class abacusai.external_application.ExternalApplication(client, name=None, externalApplicationId=None, deploymentId=None, description=None, logo=None, theme=None, userGroupIds=None, useCase=None, isAgent=None, status=None, deploymentConversationRetentionHours=None, managedUserService=None, predictionOverrides=None, isSystemCreated=None, isCustomizable=None, isDeprecated=None, isVisible=None, hasThinkingOption=None, onlyImageGenEnabled=None)
An external application.
- Parameters:
client (ApiClient) – An authenticated API Client instance
name (str) – The name of the external application.
externalApplicationId (str) – The unique identifier of the external application.
deploymentId (str) – The deployment id associated with the external application.
description (str) – The description of the external application.
logo (str) – The logo.
theme (dict) – The theme used for the External Application.
userGroupIds (list) – A list of App User Groups with access to this external application
useCase (str) – Use Case of the project of this deployment
isAgent (bool) – Whether the external application is an agent.
status (str) – The status of the deployment.
deploymentConversationRetentionHours (int) – The retention policy for the external application.
managedUserService (str) – The external service that is managing the user accounts.
predictionOverrides (dict) – The prediction overrides for the external application.
isSystemCreated (bool) – Whether the external application is system created.
isCustomizable (bool) – Whether the external application is customizable.
isDeprecated (bool) – Whether the external application is deprecated. Only applicable for system created bots. Deprecated external applications will not show in the UI.
isVisible (bool) – Whether the external application should be shown in the dropdown.
hasThinkingOption (bool) – Whether to show the thinking option in the toolbar.
onlyImageGenEnabled (bool) – Whether to LLM only allows image generation.
- name = None
- external_application_id = None
- deployment_id = None
- description = None
- logo = None
- theme = None
- user_group_ids = None
- use_case = None
- is_agent = None
- status = None
- deployment_conversation_retention_hours = None
- managed_user_service = None
- prediction_overrides = None
- is_system_created = None
- is_customizable = None
- is_deprecated = None
- is_visible = None
- has_thinking_option = None
- only_image_gen_enabled = None
- deprecated_keys
- __repr__()
- to_dict()
Get a dict representation of the parameters in this class
- Returns:
The dict value representation of the class parameters
- Return type:
- update(name=None, description=None, theme=None, deployment_id=None, deployment_conversation_retention_hours=None, reset_retention_policy=False)
Updates an External Application.
- Parameters:
name (str) – The name of the External Application.
description (str) – The description of the External Application. This will be shown to users when they access the External Application.
theme (dict) – The visual theme of the External Application.
deployment_id (str) – The ID of the deployment to use.
deployment_conversation_retention_hours (int) – The number of hours to retain the conversations for.
reset_retention_policy (bool) – If true, the retention policy will be removed.
- Returns:
The updated External Application.
- Return type:
- refresh()
Calls describe and refreshes the current object’s fields
- Returns:
The current object
- Return type: