


A point-in-time feature description

Module Contents

class abacusai.point_in_time_feature.PointInTimeFeature(client, historyTableName=None, aggregationKeys=None, timestampKey=None, historicalTimestampKey=None, lookbackWindowSeconds=None, lookbackWindowLagSeconds=None, lookbackCount=None, lookbackUntilPosition=None, expression=None, groupName=None)

Bases: abacusai.return_class.AbstractApiClass

A point-in-time feature description

  • client (ApiClient) – An authenticated API Client instance

  • historyTableName (str) – The name of the history table. If not specified, the current table is used for a self-join.

  • aggregationKeys (list[str]) – List of keys to use for joining the historical table and performing the window aggregation.

  • timestampKey (str) – Name of feature which contains the timestamp value for the point-in-time feature.

  • historicalTimestampKey (str) – Name of feature which contains the historical timestamp.

  • lookbackWindowSeconds (float) – If window is specified in terms of time, the number of seconds in the past from the current time for the start of the window.

  • lookbackWindowLagSeconds (float) – Optional lag to offset the closest point for the window. If it is positive, the start of the window is delayed. If it is negative, we are looking at the “future” rows in the history table.

  • lookbackCount (int) – If window is specified in terms of count, the start position of the window (0 is the current row).

  • lookbackUntilPosition (int) – Optional lag to offset the closest point for the window. If it is positive, the start of the window is delayed by that many rows. If it is negative, we are looking at those many “future” rows in the history table.

  • expression (str) – SQL aggregate expression which can convert a sequence of rows into a scalar value.

  • groupName (str) – The group name this point-in-time feature belongs to.

history_table_name = None
aggregation_keys = None
timestamp_key = None
historical_timestamp_key = None
lookback_window_seconds = None
lookback_window_lag_seconds = None
lookback_count = None
lookback_until_position = None
expression = None
group_name = None

Get a dict representation of the parameters in this class


The dict value representation of the class parameters

Return type:
