


A deployment conversation.

Module Contents

class abacusai.deployment_conversation.DeploymentConversation(client, deploymentConversationId=None, name=None, deploymentId=None, createdAt=None, lastEventCreatedAt=None, hasHistory=None, externalSessionId=None, regenerateAttempt=None, externalApplicationId=None, unusedDocumentUploadIds=None, humanizeInstructions=None, conversationWarning=None, conversationType=None, metadata=None, llmDisplayName=None, llmBotIcon=None, searchSuggestions=None, chatllmTaskId=None, history={})

Bases: abacusai.return_class.AbstractApiClass

A deployment conversation.

  • client (ApiClient) – An authenticated API Client instance

  • deploymentConversationId (str) – The unique identifier of the deployment conversation.

  • name (str) – The name of the deployment conversation.

  • deploymentId (str) – The deployment id associated with the deployment conversation.

  • createdAt (str) – The timestamp at which the deployment conversation was created.

  • lastEventCreatedAt (str) – The timestamp at which the most recent corresponding deployment conversation event was created at.

  • hasHistory (bool) – Whether the deployment conversation has any history.

  • externalSessionId (str) – The external session id associated with the deployment conversation.

  • regenerateAttempt (int) – The sequence number of regeneration. Not regenerated if 0.

  • externalApplicationId (str) – The external application id associated with the deployment conversation.

  • unusedDocumentUploadIds (list[str]) – The list of unused document upload ids associated with the deployment conversation.

  • humanizeInstructions (dict) – Instructions for humanizing the conversation.

  • conversationWarning (str) – Extra text associated with the deployment conversation (to show it at the bottom of chatbot).

  • conversationType (str) – The type of the conversation, which depicts the application it caters to.

  • metadata (dict) – Additional backend information about the conversation.

  • llmDisplayName (str) – The display name of the LLM model used to generate the most recent response. Only used for system-created bots.

  • llmBotIcon (str) – The icon location of the LLM model used to generate the most recent response. Only used for system-created bots.

  • searchSuggestions (list) – The list of search suggestions for the conversation.

  • chatllmTaskId (str) – The chatllm task id associated with the deployment conversation.

  • history (DeploymentConversationEvent) – The history of the deployment conversation.

deployment_conversation_id = None
name = None
deployment_id = None
created_at = None
last_event_created_at = None
has_history = None
external_session_id = None
regenerate_attempt = None
external_application_id = None
unused_document_upload_ids = None
humanize_instructions = None
conversation_warning = None
conversation_type = None
metadata = None
llm_display_name = None
llm_bot_icon = None
search_suggestions = None
chatllm_task_id = None

Get a dict representation of the parameters in this class


The dict value representation of the class parameters

Return type:


get(external_session_id=None, deployment_id=None, filter_intermediate_conversation_events=True, get_unused_document_uploads=False)

Gets a deployment conversation.

  • external_session_id (str) – External session ID of the conversation.

  • deployment_id (str) – The deployment this conversation belongs to. This is required if not logged in.

  • filter_intermediate_conversation_events (bool) – If true, intermediate conversation events will be filtered out. Default is true.

  • get_unused_document_uploads (bool) – If true, unused document uploads will be returned. Default is false.


The deployment conversation.

Return type:



Delete a Deployment Conversation.


deployment_id (str) – The deployment this conversation belongs to. This is required if not logged in.

clear(external_session_id=None, deployment_id=None, user_message_indices=None)

Clear the message history of a Deployment Conversation.

  • external_session_id (str) – The external session id associated with the deployment conversation.

  • deployment_id (str) – The deployment this conversation belongs to. This is required if not logged in.

  • user_message_indices (list) – Optional list of user message indices to clear. The associated bot response will also be cleared. If not provided, all messages will be cleared.

set_feedback(message_index, is_useful=None, is_not_useful=None, feedback=None, feedback_type=None, deployment_id=None)

Sets a deployment conversation message as useful or not useful

  • message_index (int) – The index of the deployment conversation message

  • is_useful (bool) – If the message is useful. If true, the message is useful. If false, clear the useful flag.

  • is_not_useful (bool) – If the message is not useful. If true, the message is not useful. If set to false, clear the useful flag.

  • feedback (str) – Optional feedback on why the message is useful or not useful

  • feedback_type (str) – Optional feedback type

  • deployment_id (str) – The deployment this conversation belongs to. This is required if not logged in.

rename(name, deployment_id=None)

Rename a Deployment Conversation.

  • name (str) – The new name of the conversation.

  • deployment_id (str) – The deployment this conversation belongs to. This is required if not logged in.


Export a Deployment Conversation.


external_session_id (str) – The external session id associated with the deployment conversation. One of deployment_conversation_id or external_session_id must be provided.


The deployment conversation html export.

Return type:


construct_agent_conversation_messages_for_llm(external_session_id=None, include_document_contents=True)

Returns conversation history in a format for LLM calls.

  • external_session_id (str) – External session ID of the conversation.

  • include_document_contents (bool) – If true, include contents from uploaded documents in the generated messages.


Contains a list of AgentConversationMessage that represents the conversation.

Return type:
