


Customer created python function

Module Contents

class abacusai.python_function.PythonFunction(client, notebookId=None, name=None, createdAt=None, functionVariableMappings=None, outputVariableMappings=None, functionName=None, pythonFunctionId=None, functionType=None, packageRequirements=None, description=None, examples=None, codeSource={})

Bases: abacusai.return_class.AbstractApiClass

Customer created python function

  • client (ApiClient) – An authenticated API Client instance

  • notebookId (str) – The unique identifier of the notebook used to spin up the notebook upon creation.

  • name (str) – The name to identify the algorithm, only uppercase letters, numbers, and underscores allowed (i.e. it must be a valid Python identifier)

  • createdAt (str) – The ISO-8601 string representing when the Python function was created.

  • functionVariableMappings (dict) – A description of the function variables.

  • outputVariableMappings (dict) – A description of the variables returned by the function

  • functionName (str) – The name of the Python function to be used.

  • pythonFunctionId (str) – The unique identifier of the Python function.

  • functionType (str) – The type of the Python function.

  • packageRequirements (list) – The pip package dependencies required to run the code

  • description (str) – Description of the Python function.

  • examples (dict[str, list[str]]) – Dictionary containing example use cases and anti-patterns. Includes ‘positive’ examples showing recommended usage and ‘negative’ examples showing cases to avoid.

  • codeSource (CodeSource) – Information about the source code of the Python function.

notebook_id = None
name = None
created_at = None
function_variable_mappings = None
output_variable_mappings = None
function_name = None
python_function_id = None
function_type = None
package_requirements = None
description = None
examples = None

Get a dict representation of the parameters in this class


The dict value representation of the class parameters

Return type:


add_graph_to_dashboard(graph_dashboard_id, function_variable_mappings=None, name=None)

Add a python plot function to a dashboard

  • graph_dashboard_id (str) – Unique string identifier for the graph dashboard to update.

  • function_variable_mappings (List) – List of arguments to be supplied to the function as parameters, in the format [{‘name’: ‘function_argument’, ‘variable_type’: ‘FEATURE_GROUP’, ‘value’: ‘name_of_feature_group’}].

  • name (str) – Name of the added python plot


An object describing the graph dashboard.

Return type:



Validates a Python function by running it with the given input values in an local environment. Taking Input Feature Group as either name(string) or Pandas DataFrame in kwargs.


kwargs (dict) – A dictionary mapping function arguments to values to pass to the function. Feature group names will automatically be converted into pandas dataframes.


The result of executing the python function

Return type:


  • TypeError – If an Input Feature Group argument has an invalid type or argument is missing.

  • Exception – If an error occurs while validating the Python function.