A dataset reference |
Module Contents
- class abacusai.dataset.Dataset(client, datasetId=None, sourceType=None, dataSource=None, createdAt=None, ignoreBefore=None, ephemeral=None, lookbackDays=None, databaseConnectorId=None, databaseConnectorConfig=None, connectorType=None, featureGroupTableName=None, applicationConnectorId=None, applicationConnectorConfig=None, incremental=None, isDocumentset=None, extractBoundingBoxes=None, mergeFileSchemas=None, referenceOnlyDocumentset=None, versionLimit=None, schema={}, refreshSchedules={}, latestDatasetVersion={}, parsingConfig={}, documentProcessingConfig={}, attachmentParsingConfig={})
A dataset reference
- Parameters:
client (ApiClient) – An authenticated API Client instance
datasetId (str) – The unique identifier of the dataset.
sourceType (str) – The source of the Dataset. EXTERNAL_SERVICE, UPLOAD, or STREAMING.
dataSource (str) – Location of data. It may be a URI such as an s3 bucket or the database table.
createdAt (str) – The timestamp at which this dataset was created.
ignoreBefore (str) – The timestamp at which all previous events are ignored when training.
ephemeral (bool) – The dataset is ephemeral and not used for training.
lookbackDays (int) – Specific to streaming datasets, this specifies how many days worth of data to include when generating a snapshot. Value of 0 indicates leaves this selection to the system.
databaseConnectorId (str) – The Database Connector used.
databaseConnectorConfig (dict) – The database connector query used to retrieve data.
connectorType (str) – The type of connector used to get this dataset FILE or DATABASE.
featureGroupTableName (str) – The table name of the dataset’s feature group
applicationConnectorId (str) – The Application Connector used.
applicationConnectorConfig (dict) – The application connector query used to retrieve data.
incremental (bool) – If dataset is an incremental dataset.
isDocumentset (bool) – If dataset is a documentset.
extractBoundingBoxes (bool) – Signifies whether to extract bounding boxes out of the documents. Only valid if is_documentset if True.
mergeFileSchemas (bool) – If the merge file schemas policy is enabled.
referenceOnlyDocumentset (bool) – Signifies whether to save the data reference only. Only valid if is_documentset if True.
versionLimit (int) – Version limit for the dataset.
latestDatasetVersion (DatasetVersion) – The latest version of this dataset.
schema (DatasetColumn) – List of resolved columns.
refreshSchedules (RefreshSchedule) – List of schedules that determines when the next version of the dataset will be created.
parsingConfig (ParsingConfig) – The parsing config used for dataset.
documentProcessingConfig (DocumentProcessingConfig) – The document processing config used for dataset (when is_documentset is True).
attachmentParsingConfig (AttachmentParsingConfig) – The attachment parsing config used for dataset (eg. for salesforce attachment parsing)
- dataset_id = None
- source_type = None
- data_source = None
- created_at = None
- ignore_before = None
- ephemeral = None
- lookback_days = None
- database_connector_id = None
- database_connector_config = None
- connector_type = None
- feature_group_table_name = None
- application_connector_id = None
- application_connector_config = None
- incremental = None
- is_documentset = None
- extract_bounding_boxes = None
- merge_file_schemas = None
- reference_only_documentset = None
- version_limit = None
- schema
- refresh_schedules
- latest_dataset_version
- parsing_config
- document_processing_config
- attachment_parsing_config
- deprecated_keys
- __repr__()
- to_dict()
Get a dict representation of the parameters in this class
- Returns:
The dict value representation of the class parameters
- Return type:
- create_version_from_file_connector(location=None, file_format=None, csv_delimiter=None, merge_file_schemas=None, parsing_config=None, sql_query=None)
Creates a new version of the specified dataset.
- Parameters:
location (str) – External URI to import the dataset from. If not specified, the last location will be used.
file_format (str) – File format to be used. If not specified, the service will try to detect the file format.
csv_delimiter (str) – If the file format is CSV, use a specific CSV delimiter.
merge_file_schemas (bool) – Signifies if the merge file schema policy is enabled.
parsing_config (ParsingConfig) – Custom config for dataset parsing.
sql_query (str) – The SQL query to use when fetching data from the specified location. Use __TABLE__ as a placeholder for the table name. For example: “SELECT * FROM __TABLE__ WHERE event_date > ‘2021-01-01’”. If not provided, the entire dataset from the specified location will be imported.
- Returns:
The new Dataset Version created.
- Return type:
- create_version_from_database_connector(object_name=None, columns=None, query_arguments=None, sql_query=None)
Creates a new version of the specified dataset.
- Parameters:
object_name (str) – The name/ID of the object in the service to query. If not specified, the last name will be used.
columns (str) – The columns to query from the external service object. If not specified, the last columns will be used.
query_arguments (str) – Additional query arguments to filter the data. If not specified, the last arguments will be used.
sql_query (str) – The full SQL query to use when fetching data. If present, this parameter will override object_name, columns, and query_arguments.
- Returns:
The new Dataset Version created.
- Return type:
- create_version_from_application_connector(dataset_config=None)
Creates a new version of the specified dataset.
- Parameters:
dataset_config (ApplicationConnectorDatasetConfig) – Dataset config for the application connector. If any of the fields are not specified, the last values will be used.
- Returns:
The new Dataset Version created.
- Return type:
- create_version_from_upload(file_format=None)
Creates a new version of the specified dataset using a local file upload.
- create_version_from_document_reprocessing(document_processing_config=None)
Creates a new dataset version for a source docstore dataset with the provided document processing configuration. This does not re-import the data but uses the same data which is imported in the latest dataset version and only performs document processing on it.
- Parameters:
document_processing_config (DatasetDocumentProcessingConfig) – The document processing configuration to use for the new dataset version. If not specified, the document processing configuration from the source dataset will be used.
- Returns:
The new dataset version created.
- Return type:
- snapshot_streaming_data()
Snapshots the current data in the streaming dataset.
- Parameters:
dataset_id (str) – The unique ID associated with the dataset.
- Returns:
The new Dataset Version created by taking a snapshot of the current data in the streaming dataset.
- Return type:
- set_column_data_type(column, data_type)
Set a Dataset’s column type.
- set_streaming_retention_policy(retention_hours=None, retention_row_count=None, ignore_records_before_timestamp=None)
Sets the streaming retention policy.
- get_schema()
Retrieves the column schema of a dataset.
- Parameters:
dataset_id (str) – Unique string identifier of the dataset schema to look up.
- Returns:
List of column schema definitions.
- Return type:
- set_database_connector_config(database_connector_id, object_name=None, columns=None, query_arguments=None, sql_query=None)
Sets database connector config for a dataset. This method is currently only supported for streaming datasets.
- Parameters:
database_connector_id (str) – Unique String Identifier of the Database Connector to import the dataset from.
object_name (str) – If applicable, the name/ID of the object in the service to query.
columns (str) – The columns to query from the external service object.
query_arguments (str) – Additional query arguments to filter the data.
sql_query (str) – The full SQL query to use when fetching data. If present, this parameter will override object_name, columns and query_arguments.
- update_version_limit(version_limit)
Updates the version limit for the specified dataset.
- refresh()
Calls describe and refreshes the current object’s fields
- Returns:
The current object
- Return type:
- describe()
Retrieves a full description of the specified dataset, with attributes such as its ID, name, source type, etc.
- list_versions(limit=100, start_after_version=None)
Retrieves a list of all dataset versions for the specified dataset.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
A list of dataset versions.
- Return type:
- delete()
Deletes the specified dataset from the organization.
- Parameters:
dataset_id (str) – Unique string identifier of the dataset to delete.
- wait_for_import(timeout=900)
A waiting call until dataset is imported.
- Parameters:
timeout (int) – The waiting time given to the call to finish, if it doesn’t finish by the allocated time, the call is said to be timed out.
- wait_for_inspection(timeout=None)
A waiting call until dataset is completely inspected.
- Parameters:
timeout (int) – The waiting time given to the call to finish, if it doesn’t finish by the allocated time, the call is said to be timed out.
- get_status()
Gets the status of the latest dataset version.
- Returns:
A string describing the status of a dataset (importing, inspecting, complete, etc.).
- Return type:
- describe_feature_group()
Gets the feature group attached to the dataset.
- Returns:
A feature group object.
- Return type:
- create_refresh_policy(cron)
To create a refresh policy for a dataset.
- Parameters:
cron (str) – A cron style string to set the refresh time.
- Returns:
The refresh policy object.
- Return type:
- list_refresh_policies()
Gets the refresh policies in a list.
- Returns:
A list of refresh policy objects.
- Return type: