


A chatllm task

Module Contents

class abacusai.chatllm_task.ChatllmTask(client, chatllmTaskId=None, name=None, instructions=None, lifecycle=None, scheduleInfo=None, externalApplicationId=None, deploymentConversationId=None, enableEmailAlerts=None, email=None, numUnreadTaskInstances=None, computePointsUsed=None)

Bases: abacusai.return_class.AbstractApiClass

A chatllm task

  • client (ApiClient) – An authenticated API Client instance

  • chatllmTaskId (str) – The id of the chatllm task.

  • name (str) – The name of the chatllm task.

  • instructions (str) – The instructions of the chatllm task.

  • lifecycle (str) – The lifecycle of the chatllm task.

  • scheduleInfo (dict) – The schedule info of the chatllm task.

  • externalApplicationId (str) – The external application id associated with the chatllm task.

  • deploymentConversationId (str) – The deployment conversation id associated with the chatllm task.

  • enableEmailAlerts (bool) – Whether email alerts are enabled for the chatllm task.

  • email (str) – The email to send alerts to.

  • numUnreadTaskInstances (int) – The number of unread task instances for the chatllm task.

  • computePointsUsed (int) – The compute points used for the chatllm task.

chatllm_task_id = None
name = None
instructions = None
lifecycle = None
schedule_info = None
external_application_id = None
deployment_conversation_id = None
enable_email_alerts = None
email = None
num_unread_task_instances = None
compute_points_used = None

Get a dict representation of the parameters in this class


The dict value representation of the class parameters

Return type:
