


A single chat message with Abacus Chat.

Module Contents

class abacusai.chat_message.ChatMessage(client, role=None, text=None, timestamp=None, isUseful=None, feedback=None, docIds=None, hotkeyTitle=None, tasks=None, keywordArguments=None)

Bases: abacusai.return_class.AbstractApiClass

A single chat message with Abacus Chat.

  • client (ApiClient) – An authenticated API Client instance

  • role (str) – The role of the message sender

  • text (list[dict]) – A list of text segments for the message

  • timestamp (str) – The timestamp at which the message was sent

  • isUseful (bool) – Whether this message was marked as useful or not

  • feedback (str) – The feedback provided for the message

  • docIds (list[str]) – A list of IDs of the uploaded document if the message has

  • hotkeyTitle (str) – The title of the hotkey prompt if the message has one

  • tasks (list[str]) – The list of spawned tasks, if the message was broken down into smaller sub-tasks.

  • keywordArguments (dict) – A dict of kwargs used to generate the response.

role = None
text = None
timestamp = None
is_useful = None
feedback = None
doc_ids = None
hotkey_title = None
tasks = None
keyword_arguments = None

Get a dict representation of the parameters in this class


The dict value representation of the class parameters

Return type:
