


An abstract class for the sampling config of a feature group


The number of distinct values of the key columns to include in the sample, or number of rows if key columns not specified.


The fraction of distinct values of the feature group to include in the sample.


Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using


An abstract class for the merge config of a feature group


Merge LAST N chunks/versions of an incremental dataset.


Merge rows within a given timewindow of the most recent timestamp


Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using


Configuration for a template Feature Group Operation


Unpivot Columns in a FeatureGroup.


Transform a input column to a markdown column.


Transform a input column of urls to html text


Extracts data from documents.


Generate synthetic data using a model for finetuning an LLM.


Takes Union of current feature group with 1 or more selected feature groups of same type.


A class to select and return the the correct type of Operator Config based on a serialized OperatorConfig instance.

Module Contents

class abacusai.api_class.feature_group.SamplingConfig

Bases: abacusai.api_class.abstract.ApiClass

An abstract class for the sampling config of a feature group

sampling_method: abacusai.api_class.enums.SamplingMethodType = None
classmethod _get_builder()
class abacusai.api_class.feature_group.NSamplingConfig

Bases: SamplingConfig

The number of distinct values of the key columns to include in the sample, or number of rows if key columns not specified.

  • sample_count (int) – The number of rows to include in the sample

  • key_columns (List[str]) – The feature(s) to use as the key(s) when sampling

sample_count: int
key_columns: List[str] = []
class abacusai.api_class.feature_group.PercentSamplingConfig

Bases: SamplingConfig

The fraction of distinct values of the feature group to include in the sample.

  • sample_percent (float) – The percentage of the rows to sample

  • key_columns (List[str]) – The feature(s) to use as the key(s) when sampling

sample_percent: float
key_columns: List[str] = []
class abacusai.api_class.feature_group._SamplingConfigFactory

Bases: abacusai.api_class.abstract._ApiClassFactory

Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using inheritance.

config_class_key = 'sampling_method'
class abacusai.api_class.feature_group.MergeConfig

Bases: abacusai.api_class.abstract.ApiClass

An abstract class for the merge config of a feature group

merge_mode: abacusai.api_class.enums.MergeMode = None
classmethod _get_builder()
class abacusai.api_class.feature_group.LastNMergeConfig

Bases: MergeConfig

Merge LAST N chunks/versions of an incremental dataset.

  • num_versions (int) – The number of versions to merge. num_versions == 0 means merge all versions.

  • include_version_timestamp_column (bool) – If set, include a column with the creation timestamp of source FG versions.

num_versions: int
include_version_timestamp_column: bool = None
class abacusai.api_class.feature_group.TimeWindowMergeConfig

Bases: MergeConfig

Merge rows within a given timewindow of the most recent timestamp

  • feature_name (str) – Time based column to index on

  • time_window_size_ms (int) – Range of merged rows will be [MAX_TIME - time_window_size_ms, MAX_TIME]

  • include_version_timestamp_column (bool) – If set, include a column with the creation timestamp of source FG versions.

feature_name: str
time_window_size_ms: int
include_version_timestamp_column: bool = None
class abacusai.api_class.feature_group._MergeConfigFactory

Bases: abacusai.api_class.abstract._ApiClassFactory

Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using inheritance.

config_class_key = 'merge_mode'
class abacusai.api_class.feature_group.OperatorConfig

Bases: abacusai.api_class.abstract.ApiClass

Configuration for a template Feature Group Operation

operator_type: abacusai.api_class.enums.OperatorType = None
classmethod _get_builder()
class abacusai.api_class.feature_group.UnpivotConfig

Bases: OperatorConfig

Unpivot Columns in a FeatureGroup.

  • columns (List[str]) – Which columns to unpivot.

  • index_column (str) – Name of new column containing the unpivoted column names as its values

  • value_column (str) – Name of new column containing the row values that were unpivoted.

  • exclude (bool) – If True, the unpivoted columns are all the columns EXCEPT the ones in the columns argument. Default is False.

columns: List[str] = None
index_column: str = None
value_column: str = None
exclude: bool = None
class abacusai.api_class.feature_group.MarkdownConfig

Bases: OperatorConfig

Transform a input column to a markdown column.

  • input_column (str) – Name of input column to transform.

  • output_column (str) – Name of output column to store transformed data.

  • input_column_type (MarkdownOperatorInputType) – Type of input column to transform.

input_column: str = None
output_column: str = None
input_column_type: abacusai.api_class.enums.MarkdownOperatorInputType = None
class abacusai.api_class.feature_group.CrawlerTransformConfig

Bases: OperatorConfig

Transform a input column of urls to html text

  • input_column (str) – Name of input column to transform.

  • output_column (str) – Name of output column to store transformed data.

  • depth_column (str) – Increasing depth explores more links, capturing more content

  • disable_host_restriction (bool) – If True, will not restrict crawling to the same host.

  • honour_website_rules (bool) – If True, will respect robots.txt rules.

  • user_agent (str) – If provided, will use this user agent instead of randomly selecting one.

input_column: str = None
output_column: str = None
depth_column: str = None
input_column_type: str = None
crawl_depth: int = None
disable_host_restriction: bool = None
honour_website_rules: bool = None
user_agent: str = None
class abacusai.api_class.feature_group.ExtractDocumentDataConfig

Bases: OperatorConfig

Extracts data from documents.

  • doc_id_column (str) – Name of input document ID column.

  • document_column (str) – Name of the input document column which contains the page infos. This column will be transformed to include the document processing config in the output feature group.

  • document_processing_config (DocumentProcessingConfig) – Document processing configuration.

doc_id_column: str = None
document_column: str = None
document_processing_config: abacusai.api_class.dataset.DocumentProcessingConfig = None
class abacusai.api_class.feature_group.DataGenerationConfig

Bases: OperatorConfig

Generate synthetic data using a model for finetuning an LLM.

  • prompt_col (str) – Name of the input prompt column.

  • completion_col (str) – Name of the output completion column.

  • description_col (str) – Name of the description column.

  • id_col (str) – Name of the identifier column.

  • generation_instructions (str) – Instructions for the data generation model.

  • temperature (float) – Sampling temperature for the model.

  • fewshot_examples (int) – Number of fewshot examples used to prompt the model.

  • concurrency (int) – Number of concurrent processes.

  • examples_per_target (int) – Number of examples per target.

  • subset_size (Optional[int]) – Size of the subset to use for generation.

  • verify_response (bool) – Whether to verify the response.

  • token_budget (int) – Token budget for generation.

  • oversample (bool) – Whether to oversample the data.

  • documentation_char_limit (int) – Character limit for documentation.

  • frequency_penalty (float) – Penalty for frequency of token appearance.

  • model (str) – Model to use for data generation.

  • seed (Optional[int]) – Seed for random number generation.

prompt_col: str = None
completion_col: str = None
description_col: str = None
id_col: str = None
generation_instructions: str = None
temperature: float = None
fewshot_examples: int = None
concurrency: int = None
examples_per_target: int = None
subset_size: int = None
verify_response: bool = None
token_budget: int = None
oversample: bool = None
documentation_char_limit: int = None
frequency_penalty: float = None
model: str = None
seed: int = None
class abacusai.api_class.feature_group.UnionTransformConfig

Bases: OperatorConfig

Takes Union of current feature group with 1 or more selected feature groups of same type.

  • feature_group_ids (List[str]) – List of feature group IDs to union with source FG.

  • drop_non_intersecting_columns (bool) – If true, will drop columns that are not present in all feature groups. If false fills missing columns with nulls.

feature_group_ids: List[str] = None
drop_non_intersecting_columns: bool = False
class abacusai.api_class.feature_group._OperatorConfigFactory

Bases: abacusai.api_class.abstract._ApiClassFactory

A class to select and return the the correct type of Operator Config based on a serialized OperatorConfig instance.

config_class_key = 'operator_type'